Indoor air pollution and respiratory health of the peoples in Beijing: a community-based pilot study

In this study, we attempt to investigate the level of indoor air pollution and to evaluate itshealth effects on the subjects exposed to pollution in Beijing. About 270 households (90 perdistrict) were selected randomly from three districts (90 per district), representing theindustrial, old downtown and cultural/educational areas of Beijing. The concentrations ofPM10, PM2.5 and SO2 in indoor air were measured in the bedroom and the kitchen of thesubjects homes.

Monitoring pollutants in occupied spaces

There is increasing evidence of a causal link between airborne particles and ill health and thisstudy monitored the exposure to both airborne particles and the gas phase contaminants ofenvironmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in a nightclub.The present study followed a number of pilot studies in which the human exposure toairborne particles in a nightclub was assessed and the spatio-temporal distribution of gas phasepollutants was evaluated in restaurants and pubs.

Subjective response to the thermal comfort in heated dwellings

The main aim of a heating system is to provide the objective thermal comfort parameters. The subjective thermal sensation of users is a very important aspect.The paper presents the results of experimental measurements on thermal comfort of indoorenvironment. The investigation was carried out in two blocks of flats. They were alike, but forthe installed thermal valves.

Thermal characteristics of a partition air supply system at a personal task area

A partition integrated air supply system can provide highly personalized environmentalcontrol. The supply air is brought up through raised floors and supplied to outlets located onthe partition panels. The purpose of this paper is to find the best design of outlets for optimaloccupant comfort within a personal task area.Real-scale experiments were conducted to allow for comparisons of outlet designs within apersonal task area.

Periodic heat transfer analysis: an analytical tool in modeling of non-airconditioned multi-zone buildings

This paper presents a transient periodic heat transfer analysis of non-air-conditioned multizonebuildings taking into account the effects of heat fluxes through various facades ofbuildings including windows, air ventilation and infiltration, furnishings and ground heatconduction. A user-friendly computer software has been developed for the above mentionedpurpose. The validity of the analysis and the building simulation software has been checkedby comparing the results with those obtained by running commercial software SUNCODE forthe same input data.

An adaptive thermal comfort approach in air-conditioned buildings in the tropical hot-and-humid climates

The air-conditioned office building design in the tropical hot-and-humid climates has seldomtaken into account adaptation principle to thermal comfort. This induces the occupants to findcomfort at the pre-determined comfort criterion in air-conditioned enclosure and they soondevelop a higher expectation of homogeneity that in turn leads to demand of coolertemperatures. Though the research knowledge is large, practical implementation has aptlyignored the variability of individuals comfort criteria.

Thermal and airflow behaviour of buildings model reduction

We describe the implementation of a model reduction tool within a software dedicated tothermal and airflow simulation. The goal is to allow the use of more detailed models. Wecompare experimental results and simulations results. We show the usefulness of the balancedreduction model for thermal and airflow simulation.

A thermal comfort study on displacement ventilation in the tropics

This paper presents the performance of a displacement ventilation system in a thermalchamber with tropical subjects. The chamber is served by an Air-Conditioning andMechanical Ventilation (ACMV) system in either Mixing or Displacement Ventilation modes.In the experiments, tropical subjects were surveyed with respect to their thermal sensationsunder different room conditions in either displacement ventilation or mixing ventilation.Objective measurements such as room air temperature, air velocity and relative humidity weremeasured at different heights in the chamber.

The effects of direct and indirect airflow on thermal comfort

A spot cooling system using the convective cooling effect of an air stream is known to beeffective by its smothering intensive hot environment, supplying comfort sense and utilizingenergy efficiently. However, its study on the interaction with human body or product itself isuncommon, showing that the spot cooling system intrinsically contains the possibility ofdraught because of its short emitting distance from the object, low air temperature, high airstream velocity and its direct local contact to human body.

The impact of the warmth thermal sensation into non-air-conditioned and naturally ventilated office environments of tertiary refurbished buildings in tropical climate

This paper provides a research about rapid methods and simplified tools to assist the projectactors, such as architects, designers and engineers, involved in the building design, in theearliest conception during the preliminary design. We examine the quality criteria of indoorthermal environment in non-residential existing buildings, with failure in the pre-energyconservation. The main objective is how well to predict a mean thermal comfort sensation forworkers under warm conditions over the tropical climate. The occupants could change theiractivity (metabolic rate) and their clothing.
