This paper provides a research about rapid methods and simplified tools to assist the projectactors, such as architects, designers and engineers, involved in the building design, in theearliest conception during the preliminary design. We examine the quality criteria of indoorthermal environment in non-residential existing buildings, with failure in the pre-energyconservation. The main objective is how well to predict a mean thermal comfort sensation forworkers under warm conditions over the tropical climate. The occupants could change theiractivity (metabolic rate) and their clothing. The approach is to apply an available quality aboutthe warmth thermal comfort sensation in a typical design-base of a traditional refurbishedindustrial building, non-air-conditioned, to be re-used for an office building. The study hasbeen based as an extension of the predicted mean vote model (PMV) (Fanger and Toftum,2002). The extension combines the best of the PMV models classical thermal parameters,adjusted to a proper activity, with impact on the human metabolic rate and taking into accountan adaptive model, including an expectancy factor to a new PMV, adjusted for climateexpectation. Thermal simulations have carried out by dynamical computer codes, examiningestablished discomfort weather and focusing the correlations between building opaque andglazing envelope characteristics and the operative temperature variances. Simultaneously, wecalculate the available new extension of the PMV for same discomfort sequence. Thenumerical results are modelled in graphics to demonstrate tendency curves.
The impact of the warmth thermal sensation into non-air-conditioned and naturally ventilated office environments of tertiary refurbished buildings in tropical climate

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 7-12, 4 Fig., 7 Ref.