Review of four turbulance models using topology

The validation and development of turbulence models are still important issues related to Computational Fluid Dynamics for ventilation purposes. The present work continues the work initiated by (Voigt, 2002). Four turbulence models are reviewed, the k-e model, the k-w model and two blending models combining the k-e and the k-w model. The reason for testing the blending

Control of ventilation in buildings using Simbad building and HVAC toolbox

There is a growing need for more complex control of ventilation systems to satisfy energy and environmental issues. SIMBAD Toolbox (SIMulator of Buildings And Devices), developed in the SIMULINK graphical environment is a library of HVAC components models that is used in the field of

SimSPARK, un environnement orienté objet décrivant les transferts de masse et de chaleur couplés dans un bâtiment : intérêt de la prise en compte des transferts d'humidité

The authors have developed a tool called SimSPARK able to automatically build dynamic zonal simulations of a building zone. In that study, SimSPARK architecture is described in details along with the current zonal model library. The applicability of this tool is also illustrated with the comparison of their zonal model in a ventilated room composed of 27 zones, with others models that don't include adsorption and desorption processes.

Approche de l'évaluation de l'influence des transferts aérauliques dans les parois sur la performance thermique de l'enveloppe

Generally the calculation methods ignore the interaction of air leakage and heat conduction in building envelope. The aim of this paper is to explore the different approaches that may be used to evaluate the energy impact of air infiltration through building walls and to compare those results with calculations done using the current method calculation.

Etude des performances d'un système de ventilation hybride en France (Study of the performances of an hybrid ventilation system in France)

For that study, a classroom was modelled and a comparison of the performances of a specific hybrid ventilation system with a traditional mechanical system in terms of thermal comfort, indoor air quality concerning the CO2 concentration and energy consumption was made. The experiment was performed in different French cities, it permitted to draw some conclusions about the potential of such an hybrid system according to the main climate characteristics.

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in restaurants with separate ventilation systems for smoking and nonsmoking dining areas

The aim of this study is to compare the exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) of people in smoking and nonsmoking dining room. Levels of airborne pollutants and changes in urinary cotinine and nicotine levels were examined for 8 restaurants and 97 nonsmoking subjects (employees, patrons and referents).
Levels were significantly lower in the nonsmoking dining areas than in the smoking areas, and for the patrons than for the employees.

Indoor air quality and occupational exposures at a bus terminal

This article is a study of the air quality at a bus terminal. Presence and concentration of indoor air quality indices were determined by field surveys and sampling. Bus emission rates, occupational exposure and ventilation requirements to have a correct indoor air quality were simulated by mathematical model.
The results show that the natural ventilation rates are too low for having a good indoor air quality, and that pollutants emission varies with the temperature.

Domestic exposure to formaldehyde significantly increases the risk of asthma in young children

In that study, formaldehyde exposures was examined in relation to asthma for young children in western Australia. An association was shown by comparing results of respiratory questionnaire and skin-prick test, and results of formaldehyde, average temperature and relative humidity measurements.

A pilot investigation into associations between indoor airborne fungal and non-biological particle concentrations in residential houses in Brisbane, Australia

In this study, associations between concentration levels of airborne particles and fungi were examined in 14 houses in Brisbane. No association was found between the fungal spore and submicrometer particles or PM2.5 concentration, but a weak link was found between fungal and supermicrometre particle concentrations : similarity in behaviour lies in the relation of the contaminant with the distance from the source.

Breathing freely in schools - results and model approaches concerning the air quality in classrooms (In German)

Carbon dioxide concentration, indoor air temperature and relative air humidity are studied in 7 schools with natural ventilation systems, during 58 days on one year. The results show that the level of 1500 ppm of CO2 is exceeded in 39 days. A software programme was developed to calculate the CO2 concentration level according to the number of pupils and the ventilation rate.
Health problems may result from a too low ventilation rate.
