L'ambiomètre : un outil de mesure du confort d'ambiance dans les bureaux (The Ambiometer : a sensor for the ambient comfort in offices)

The ambiometer is a tool that allows both the recording of physical parameters of comfort and sensations of the occupant.The method developed is based on field investigations of four components of comfort : thermal, acoustic, visual and olfactory components : the experiment comfort parameters are recorded with the Ambiometer and the occupant gives his own feeling on each comfort parameter and on overall comfort.A database including those physical and perceptive parameters of comfort has been made, information was collected from about sixty offices.

Standard 62's Multiple spaces equation : for design not control

The intent of this paper is to show that using Equation 6-1 from ASHRAE standard 62 based on occupancy is a non sense if used as a control algorithm in so far as up to now no sensors can physically count each individual in the space. Equation 6-1 describes how to calculate the amount of outdoor air required from an air-handling unit serving multiple spaces for system design purposes.

Classification for the room air conditioning strategies

This paper introduces a new strategy approach for the room air conditioning including classification and terminology. The aim of the classification is not to value one strategy over another (piston, stratification, zoning and mixing strategies are presented with their advantages and drawbacks, design criteria and applications) , it is up to the designer to select the most desirable strategy for each case. A clear classification of the ideal strategies will help the evaluation of the present room air distribution methods in different operating conditions.

Effects of temperature and humidification in the office environment

In this paper, the links between temperature and Sick Building Syndrome symptoms on the one hand and temperature and workers'perceptions of air dryness in environments with and without humidification on the other hand are evaluated .The average intensity of symptoms and perceptions of dry air relative to room temperature in humidified and non-humidified conditions are studied. The results are presented then analysed .

"Europart" Airborne particles in the indoor environment. European interdisciplinary review of scientific evidence on associations between exposure to particles in buildings and health effects.

The European interdisciplinary group of researchers have reviewed 70 papers and selected 8 studies for their final review. From most studies, no definite conclusions could have been drawn concerning the association between particles matter concentration and health outcomes.
So giving limit values or guidelines for particulate mass or number concentrations in non-industrial indoor environment is not an adequate scientific evidence.

Calculated and observed human thermal sensation in an extremely hot and dry climate

This paper presents a case study : under extremely hot and arid climate, the thermal perception of 36 students has been tested. For the calculations, energy balance models of Fanger and Gagge et al. were used. There was a discrepancy between the observed and calculated values during daytime under extremely hot conditions.

Evaluating comfort with varying temperatures : a graphic design tool

A graphic tool is presented in this paper. The daily swings of temperature can be represented on this graph, and this point can be compared with the comfort zones for different activity levels. The graph allows the representation of climatic variables, the definition of comfort zones, the selection of bioclimatic design resources.

Scale model study of airflow performance in a ceiling slot-ventilated enclosure : isothermal condition

The experimental investigation of airflow performance in a ceiling slot-ventilated enclosure under an isothermal condition was the aim of that study. Air-flow characteristics have been analyzed via experimental data then compared to literature theoretical expressions.
The results will be used in design guidelines of ventilation system for controlling indoor environment.

Material properties, room-climate measurements and building history - an interdisciplinary project to set the conditions of restoration and re-use for the fortress of Kufstein, Tyrol, Austria

For the restoration of the historic fortress of Kufstein, the high humidity problems encountered have required special investigations : the capillary water up-take characteristics of the wall stones and identification of the ventilation deficiencies have been studied.
Results show that a controlled ventilation system may help to reduce the problems associated with humidity and condensation.

Building materials VOC emissions - a systematic parametric study

This paper gives the description of a four-factor simulation design and a statistical procedure for analyzing material VOC time sensitivities with regard to the following parameter variations : VOC diffusion coefficient, VOC partition coefficient, material thickness, surface air velocity, along with their interaction effects.
