Noise measurements were made at 10 locations in ‘canyon’ streets in Athens with aspect ratio (height/width) varying from 3:1 to 1:1. The main purpose of the measurements was to examine the vertical variation in noise in the canyons to indicate the natural
It is well understood that there are many sick professional buildings in use all over the world. Most of them are sited in or near the center of large cities where the ambient atmospheric conditions are not good. The sickness syndrome of those buildings combines both the indoor air quality and the local comfort regime. In many cases the responsibility for the formation of these syndromes lies with the not appropriate envelope design and the misuse of the building by the inhabitants.
This study investigates the behavior of vapor in a ventilated room in which vapor is being produced. A test chamber equipped with three types of ventilation ducts and a vessel filled with heated water for evaporation was analyzed both experimentally and numerically. Experimental results showed that temperature and moisture distributions differed depending on the ventilation types. A numerical model of vapor generation from the heated water was introduced to simulate the evaporation.
The Solar-Campus Juelich consists of two buildings, as part of the University of Applied Sciences, Aachen, and student dormitories for 136 students (5 row houses), see Figure 1. In a general agreement, the overall energy demand for space heating of all buildings was limited to 40 kWh/m 2 a, which is less than 50% of the existing German national regulation (Wrmeschutzverordnung 1995). Extra costs were provided through the AG Solar of the German state North-Rhine-Westfalia.
This study included the IAQ survey concentrated on particle levels in the library store (area of 1000 m 2 and having books or journals over 100 000 pieces in total) at the basement. The store was divided into three sections covered with plastic walls. Each section was cleaned with three different methods: two vacuum cleaners equipped either by HEPA filters I or II and one cleaner equipped with a water filtration unit. In addition, the surfaces of all sections were swept by wet cloth after twelve hours of vacuum cleaning.
Ventilation is one of the most important measures to dilute indoor air pollutants. In order to maintain a clean indoor air environment, not only the total ventilation rate of the building but also the distribution of outdoor air to each area must be taken into consideration. A performance evaluation of the combined system of air supply from the crawl space and hybrid exhaust ventilation with a small fan and damper has been investigated. This investigation was undertaken over a heating season using a full-scale test house.
The quality of indoor environment in dwellings is provided by physical properties of building constructions and by operation of HVAC-systems. From the point of view of comfort, energy and economy as well as HVAC-system are designed and operated to maintain an acceptable indoor climate, i.e. an acceptable air quality and thermal environment play the key role in dwellings.
In the present communication, a psychometric model has been presented to evaluate the performance of rotary desiccant wheels based on different kind of desiccants e.g. silica gel and LiCl. The developed psychometric model is based on simple correlations between the relative humidity and enthalpy of supply and regeneration air streams. The model is used to predict the performance of three type of desiccant rotors (Type-I, II and III). The model is tested corresponding to a wide range of measurement data.
The construction of dwellings for people with low incomes in developing countries encompasses a broad range of issues starting from the choice of the building site, to the construction phase and finally to the evaluation of the building itself. For tropical climates, the thermal evaluation of low-cost dwellings should be primarily related to the optimization of internal comfort conditions. Usually low-cost housing projects are implemented throughout Brazil equally, with no concern to the climatic region where houses are to be built.
The aim of this paper is to explain the results of a research project run in Yildiz Technical University which focuses on the optimum building envelope design for visual, thermal and acoustical comfort conditions in the offices placed in Istanbul city center. In this project, the building envelope alternatives are examined in terms of light, heat and sound considering the materials used mostly in Turkey.