Environmental quality assessment of classrooms

In this work a methodology for indoor environmental quality assessment was applied, based on thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort indices and on their analysis and spatial representation.Object of the study was one secondary school classroom of the Province of Torino (Italy), representative of several typologies of educational buildings, showing unsatisfactory environmental conditions.

Energy and indoor climate in Belgian offices : results of a survey

About 100 office buildings in the Flanders and Brussels regions have been subject to a surveyof energy aspects and indoor climate parameters. Building characteristics and energy use havebeen mapped for all buildings; for 48 of them a database has been built containing buildingand room dimensions, materials used for the building shell, windows, glazing, solar shading,occupancy, equipment characteristics (heating, ventilation, cooling, lighting, office equipment.

Effect of thermal mass on natural ventilation in a single-zone building with two openings

This paper considers an ideal naturally ventilated building model that allows a theoretical study of the effect of thermal mass associating with the non-linear coupling between the airflow rate and the indoor air temperature.The thermal mass number and the convective heat transfer air change parameter are suggested to account for the effect of thermal mass heat storage and convective heat transfer at the thermal mass surfaces. The new thermal mass number measures the capacity of heat storage, rather than the amount of thermal mass.

Design, monitoring and evaluation of a low energy office building with passive cooling by night ventilation

In moderate climates, one promising feature to reduce the energy demand of office buildings for air conditioning without reducing comfort is passive cooling by night ventilation. An office building has been designed, realised and monitored for a long time period in the framework of the German research programme solar optimised buildings. The night cooling of the office building has been realised by natural ventilation.

Deposition of aerosol particles in ventilation ducts

In this work, experiments were carried out to estimate deposition rate of 5µm particles powder in large cylindrical straight ducts for different diameters. Two types of ducts were compared: rigid ducts and flexible ducts. Results are compared to theoretic

Control strategies for hybrid ventilation simulations

This paper describes the results of a collaboration study between ENTPE-LASH and LEPTAB within the framework of the IEA Annex 35 “Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Buildings”. The aim of the work is to carry out a cross-simulation study and identi

Assessment of natural ventilation potential of a region using degree-hours estimated on global weather data

The applicability of natural ventilation depends strongly on climate. The potential of natural ventilation represents a measure of the feasibility of natural ventilation in a specific climate. A quantitative measure of this potential, expressed in degree-hours, may be estimated based on adaptive thermal comfort and monthly mean temperature. Degree-hours for natural ventilation represent the sum of the degree-hours for cooling saved by using natural ventilation when adaptive thermal comfort is considered.

Air pressure - A potential force for night cooling of atrium buildings

In order to save energy for building cooling during hot days in regions with cool nights, air circulation throughout the interior of the building has been envisaged as a means to lower the temperature of the building structural mass. In this way, energy required for cooling the building interior is reduced, due to lowered temperature of the wall, ceiling and other structural elements mass, and a greater storage of heat resulting from various heat gains the following day when air-conditioning is on.

Air curtains to reduce fire smoke pollution

This theoretical paper studies of the interaction between air curtains system and purging dilution systems in a real urban underground railway station in order to find the best design to reduce concentration of polluting gas toward adjoining environments. Numerical computations are carried out with NIST package Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). The use of an approximate form of the Navier-Stokes equations for low Mach number application is appropriate. Polluted gasses flow towards safe space can be reduced of the 26-53% by operating air curtain systems.

Advanced façades and HVAC systems : preliminary results of full-scale monotoring

Double skin façades may help combine a high degree of transparency with high thermal and solar performance. Advanced façades serve as filters and may be responsive to changes in environmental conditions and occupant requirements. Since the strategies for
