Winner of First Prize in the 2 nd Commonwealth Inter-school Design Competition organised by theCommonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), 1991. The winning design was a pair of houses with wind towers. It was praised by the jury as an innovative and original solution to the brief recognising local conditions, elegantly and thoughtfully presented. The planning of the dwelling pleasantly reflected the local lifestyle with an interesting internal environment.
The aim for the design of the ventilation was to achieve the best possible air quality in the non-smoking zones and for the employees in a combined bar/restaurant. Air curtains are used to separate the zones. The experiment proved that the air curtain is vulnerable to temperature differences between the curtain air and the room air but stable conditions have been achieved.. Nicotine concentrations have been measured too. Tests showed that smoking in the non-smoking zones leads to nicotine concentrations above the target levels.
In surgical operating theatres the concentration of contaminants to a minumum level is compulsory so an optimum design of air conditioning is required along with careful control of flow and temperature characteristics to achieve sterile conditions. This paper aims at analysing the performance of the HVAC system design in an egyptian modern hospital.
In this paper, the authors are proposing a concept of a radiant ceiling panel HVAC system integrated with ice storage system to cope with the following requirements : load leveling, energy saving, cost saving and thermal comfort. Series of measurements were carried out on six model office fixtures displayed in a room equipped with that concept of radiant ceiling panel.That system provided a good thermal environment which tallied with the Ashrae et ISO recommandations.The authors plan to introduce this system into real buildings.
In this paper, the normal ventilation system and the concept of all fresh air conditioning and ventilating system are presented. The 2 systems are then compared, with the use of a non-isothermal k-e turbulence model.Results show the wind velocity distribution , the temperature distribution and the Scale for Ventilation Efficiency distribution for each case.Their conclusion is that with the all-fresh air ventilation system, there is a high ventilation efficiency around the occupant zone.
In general, there are 3 locations used for the fresh air supply in a standard cleanroom : under the ceiling of supply air plenum, at the return air shaft, and under the raised floor. In this study, the influences of the three different fresh air supply locations on field velocity and temperature distributions of fan filter unit are investigated then compared. The airflow distribution is simulated by the standard k-e turbulence model. Results are presented and discussed..
The Volatile Organic Compounds concentrations in indoor air tend to be higher than the level allowed by the standards or codes. Photocatalytic oxidation by employing UV radiation is a promising approach for the VOCs removal .The purpose of this paper is the development of a simple but effective model of photocatalytic oxidation air cleaner.With that model, the design and the selection of suitable photooxidation air cleaners and the measurement of their Volatile Oragnic Compounds removing effect can be easily conducted..
This paper deals with the use of an Air Curtain Device in a typical HVAC application where there is a need to provide aerodynamic sealing between a comfortable human enclosure and a warmer neighbour space.Three different complementary experiments were used in this work : tracer gas method (N2O), Flow field mapping and Infrared thermo-graphic visualizations.The used experimental methods revealed adequate and complementary to understand the flow topology of the studied case
Emissions due to chicken farming should be minimised because they increase the greenhouse effect on the one hand and odours lead to annoyance. This paper sums up the investigations conducted in various chicken houses to analyse the effect of drying the chicken manure. The emissions streams were measured in different sites with tracer gas (SF6 or Krypton 85). Thanks to suitable ventilation systems the manure can be dried and thus ammonia and odour emissions streams can be purposefully reduced.