In this paper, the authors are proposing a concept of a radiant ceiling panel HVAC system integrated with ice storage system to cope with the following requirements : load leveling, energy saving, cost saving and thermal comfort. Series of measurements were carried out on six model office fixtures displayed in a room equipped with that concept of radiant ceiling panel.That system provided a good thermal environment which tallied with the Ashrae et ISO recommandations.The authors plan to introduce this system into real buildings.
Radiant ceiling panel HVAC system integrated with ice storage system - Experimental evaluation in model office -

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of Room Vent 2002 (8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms) - 8-11 september 2002 - Moltke's palace, Copenhagen - Denmark - pp 729-732, 3 Fig., 1 Tab., 2 ref.