The Airways project was set up to provide design guidance and maintain afficient air duct systems, and to bring to light the energy saving opportunities in parallel with health, safety and comfort issues. The results of this work have been published in a book targeted at decision-makers concerned with inddor climate issues. It provides condensed information on better air duct system design and how this can be achieved.
This paper aims at developing and implementing a fuzzy controller for naturally ventilated building.The first objective of this research was to develop and then validate a rule based controller which can vary the resistance of ventilation opening in order to maximise comfort conditions.
The effect of a solar chimney along with a solar screen on the effectiveness of natural ventilation is investigated in this paper.The benefit of the combination of both systems is that it enhances the natural ventilation flow through the building and improves the environmental comfort.
The second part of the paper deals with the measurements of the indoor thermal environment and the ventilation performance of a commercial kitchen.Measurements were made with a tracer gas (SF6) which is non-toxic and odorless.A smoke machine (ROSCO) was placed on the floor of the middle of the kitchen while operating the ventilated ceiling system. Air inlets near the floor or at the lower parts of the walls brought fresh air in the lower part of the kitchen and pushed the smoke upward.The results almost agreed with the results of the previous numerical simulation ( in part 1).
This paper deals with measurement of the capture efficiency of REEXS (Reinforced Exhaust System). For the experiment a local exhaust hood was designed with the possibility of working either as a traditional circular exhaust hood or as a REEXS. Experimental measurements were done both for the traditional hood and the REEXS, with the same exhaust flow rate. The results were then compared.The results proved that the main weaknesses of the traditional local exhaust hood can be improved by using REEXS hood.
One way to prevent cold air from entering through the doorway into a building is to use an air curtain. It is a stream of air blown across the doorway that acts as a thermal barrier.
The aim of that study was to measure the performance of local ventilation for various parameter settings (nozzles and slots REEXS) and to demonstrate the benefit for real working situations.A test cabin was built, to measure the capture efficiency under reproducible cross draughts. Optimised REEXS hoods were used for the experiment : they proved to have a larger capture range compared to the conventional flanged hood. The results were so encouraging that an exhaust installation for 6 welding working places was completed.
The REinforced EXhaust System (REEXS) is a local ventilation principle for industrial ventilation with improved efficiency for capturing contaminants released by working processes .This paper discusses the validation of a 3D CFD model for the determination of the capture efficiency of standard local exhaust ventilation systems.That study has shown good results in 3 ways :- Properly designed REEXS hoods , compared to conventional exhaust devices have a significant increase capture efficiency.- CFD is an excellent tool to predict different local ventilation strategies in a quantitative way.
This paper presents the results of the performance of a wall-mounted natural ventilation convector under real winter weather conditions. The monitoring results were used as boundary conditions for CFD simulation to investigate the air movement in the test room. The results proved that the convector contributed greatly to the improvement of the indoor air quality.
A newly proposed method for evaluating ventilation performance of various types of window openings is presented with its experimental validation. The experimental system has been designed by means of wind tunnel techniques. The local similarity model of cross-ventilation is used for the application of that method.