Radon in dwellings : a report Le radon dans les habitations, un constat.

Follows an article by M.Cadierigues in Promoclim E, December 1984, describing radon in the inhabited environment. The phenomena is still not well understood in France, and the possible solution which ventilation may provide is yet to be establi

Critical examination of some mathematical models taking account of air renewal. Examen critique des modeles mathematiques de prise en compte des renouvellements d'air.

Experimental methods have been developed to determine rates of air renewal. Based essentially on the use of a tracer gas, these methods permit the determination of real values on the site of the building itself. The pressurisation method which e

Air management. Gestion de l'air. Synthese des travaux des journees techniques 'ventilation et renouvellement d'air'.

Air management in residential or tertiary usage buildings constitutes one of the key points of energy control in buildings. The principle themes concerning air management are heating or air conditioning, and ventilation and air renewal, mechani

Natural ventilation between two adjacent rooms. Ventilation naturelle entre deux pieces d'habitat.

This study deals with natural heat transfer through apertures between two adjacent rooms. A one-dimensional model has been developed to determine the flow rate and enthalpy rate transferred through each aperture as well as the vertical temperature profile in each room. Results show that flow rate and enthalpy rate vary quasilinearly through time. Temperature profiles show a high thermal stratification depending on the relative location of the apertures. Experiments have been performed in a test apparatus using water. Temperatures have been measured.

Analysis of a humidity-controlled ventilation system. Evaluation des performances d'une ventilation hygromodulante.

A mathematical model, CLIM, is used to compare constant air flow ventilation with adjustable ventilation controlled by indoor relative humidity. Exhaust air flow varies in a ratio of 1 to 4 between 40 and 75% of relative humidity and the mean annual air flow is divided by 2 in comparison with a classical mechanical ventilation system.

Air leakage of residential buildings. La permeabilite a l'air des batiments d'habitation.

Describes the instrumentation and measurement technique used by the CSTB to measure the leakiness of residential buildings. Results of the experiments are also presented.
