This study deals with natural heat transfer through apertures between two adjacent rooms. A one-dimensional model has been developed to determine the flow rate and enthalpy rate transferred through each aperture as well as the vertical temperature profile in each room. Results show that flow rate and enthalpy rate vary quasilinearly through time. Temperature profiles show a high thermal stratification depending on the relative location of the apertures. Experiments have been performed in a test apparatus using water. Temperatures have been measured. Good agreement with theoretical results has been obtained.
Natural ventilation between two adjacent rooms. Ventilation naturelle entre deux pieces d'habitat.

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2000 World Congress on Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning, Copenhagen, 25-30 August 1985. Edited by P O Fanger. Vol 4. Indoor Climate. p467-471. 4 figs, 2 refs.