Describes a simple pressure method for measuring the air tightness of small buildings. It measures the leakage rate from all apertures in the external envelope simultaneously, from which total leakage area of openings could be inferred. Site measurements have shown that obvious sources of leakage like doors and windows account for only the minor part of total leakage area in the average dwelling. Results from 25 dwellings show no trend of leakage area per unit of gross floor area. The spread of results is as marked among 10 nominally identical houses on an estate as it is among the other dwellings which were examined. Outlines the factors involved in relating leakage rate measurements to the ventilation rates obtained in the same buildings.
Natural infiltration routes and their magnitude in houses part 2.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of Aston University/Electricity Council Research Establishment Conference on Controlled Ventilation;held at University of Aston; 24 September 1975