Goldschmidt V.W. Leonard R.G. Ball J.E. Wilhelm D.R.
Bibliographic info:
In "Building Air Change Rate and Infiltration Measurements" Proceedings ASTM Conference, Gaithersburg 13 March 1978 C.M.Hunt J.C.King H.R.Trechsel eds. ASTM 1980 p.107-124 1978

Reports measurements of air infiltration made on two mobile homes, identical except that one was treated with sheathing board and the other caulked. Carbon monoxide was used as a tracer gas and wind speed and direction, solar radiation, andoutside and inside dry and wet bulb temperatures were recorded. Finds considerable scatter in the data and analyses the reasons for this. These include the considerable sensitivity of infiltration rate to wind and instrument drift. Air change rates were found to be of the order of one change per hour, and were much less in the sheathed house than in the caulked one. Concludes that a mobile home with caulking would not satisfy theinfiltration criteria of ANSI A119.1.