Reports results of a project to assess energy conservation measures in a group of typical three-storey, naturally ventilated, blocks of flats, built in 1940 in Stockholm. The measures were:< 1) Improvement of boiler efficiency< 2) Weatherproofing of windows and doors< 3) Adjustment of the heating system and reduction of indoor temperature< 4) Additional insulation of attic floor<5) Additional insulation of external walls< Discusses the energy conservation effect and profitability of each measure. Finds inter alia that weatherstripping was one of the most effective methods of energy conservation, reducing on average the air change rate from 0.9 to0.5 per hour. Finds the concentration of radon daughter products after weatherstripping was less than the provisional threshold value prescribed fornew buildings.
The Ulvsunda project - energy saving in existing housing.

Bibliographic info:
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm working report no.1980:6