The second of two sections of a report of air change measurements in the winter period 1975/76 of non-air conditioned buildings in Switzerland, chiefly dwellings. Recapitulates the reasons for the research, the theoretical bases, measurement method used and aims of the experimental investigations. Sets outin tables detailed results of measurements carried out in a wide range of Swiss dwellings of different ages, locations, construction, design and type. Treats the effects exerted on single rooms or groups of rooms of building use, wind, temperature, construction characteristics, occupant behaviour, possible exhaust ventilation in individual rooms. Illustrates numerous buildings, rooms and measuring arrangements in photographs and diagrams.
Air change measurements in non-air conditioned spaces under the influence of building, climate and user parameters. Report 2. Luftwechselmessungen in nichtklimatisierten Raumen unter dem Einfluss von Konstruktions-,Klim- und Benutzerparametern.

Bibliographic info:
EMPA Report 36 030