Describes a wind tunnel investigation of wind pressure distributions over a 1:100 scale model of a single family house, surrounded by identical building models in various regular arrays. Measures time-mean pressures at 122 locations on walls and roofs in a 90 degree wind angle sector. Calculates air change rates and corresponding heat losses for a full-scale building of the same type for a range of wind speeds and outdoor air temperature. Uses the full number of local pressure coefficients for the building surfaces as input data. The error introduced by using only the latter, simplified method does not exceed +-15%.
Effects of surrounding buildings on wind pressure distributions and ventilative heat losses for a single family house.

Bibliographic info:
Jnl Wind.Eng.and Ind.Aerod. vol.15 1983 p.15-26 7 figs. 5 refs. #DATE 01:12:1983 in English