A survey of literature on the theory and practice of residential ventilation. The three main topics are ventilation needs, air movement in buildings, and the properties of ventilation systems. The ventilation need under winter conditions is estimated at 0.35 l/s m2 or, for a dwelling with kitchen and bath, 35 l/s. In fact, ventilation requirements are not constant but it is difficult to find a formula covering the various considerations. Ventilation systems are divided into four categories: natural, mechanical, mechanical with pre-heated air and mechanical exhaust, and mechanical supply and exhaust with heat recovery. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.
Residential ventilation systems. Boligventilationssystemer. Teori og erfaringer.

Bibliographic info:
Horsholm, Denmark: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, 1984. SBI-Rapport 161. 108pp, 15 figs, 11 tabs, 93 refs. #DATE 00:00:1984 in Danish