Wie viel und wie wird in der Zukunft gelüftet ? Combien et comment ventilera-t-on demain ? How much and how shall we ventilate in the future ?

The article compares the definitions and requirements in various standards (ASHRAE 62, DIN 1946, CEN CR 1752, CIBSE guide A, ISO TC 205) related to ventilation and indoor air quality in terms of health, comfort and productivity. It explains how standards, especially CEN CR 1752, define indoor air pollution (use of olf and decipol as well as carbon dioxyde and water vapour concentrations) and outdoor air pollution .

Quantifying ventilation needs in Local Authority housing - a case study.

A Tool Kit was developed to assess indoor air quality. The Tool Kit was designed to be robust, reliable, universal and to provide data that could be linked with other studies assessing health, social factors and building conditions for any given locality. A case study using the Tool Kit to assess 116 Local Authority houses is described.

On ventilation needs - towards demand controlled ventilation in dwellings.

Ventilation needs in dwellings must be determined on the basis of both requirements to theindoor air quality and necessary control of moisture conditions. As a first step towardsdevelopment of energy efficient ventilation strategies for demand controlled ventilation infuture dwellings theoretical analyses comprising a literature study and mathematicalsimulations have been carried out.

Annex 27 - domestic ventilation, occupant habits' influence on ventilation need.

The Annex 27 (A27), Evaluation and Demonstration of Domestic Ventilation Systems, is given a genaral introduction. The habits varys a lot between individuals, the dwellings are of various sizes with various numbers of occupants being at home for longer or shorter times. Those facts needed to be collected in the beginning of the annex. In this paper background data will be given to make it possible to discuss the varied need for outdoor air supply in dwellings. Data for the parameters have been collected from many sources.

Ventilation for people and buildings.


Quality requirements for the indoor climate. Kvalitetskrav til inneklimaet.

Discusses the current standards regarding indoor climate produced by ASHRAE, ISO and NKB. The parameters effecting thermal comfort and air quality are outlined.
