In a modern residence with reduced air infiltration, a problem may arise if the fresh air requirement is left to natural leakage. The article discusses this problem, and describes techniques for measuring air leakage and typical results. The contaminants which define the need for ventilation are described and the case for controlled ventilation systems (and possibly heat recovery devices) is made. Areas for further research are recommended.
Measures air infiltration and tightness of Swedish houses using the tracer gas technique and the fan pressurisation technique. Uses a previously developed model correlating air tightness and infiltration to evaluate the performance of Swedish homes. Shows that it is difficult to achieve the recommended minimum ventilation rate according to the Swedish Building Code by relying on natural air infiltration. Most new homes do, however meet the Code's stringent air tightness requirements. A comparison with American houses show that Swedish homes are very tight.
Measurements were made of the apparent volume flows in the mechanical ventilation system of a block of flats, along with the expected energy arising from domestic ventilation. The aim was to see what energy saving could be obtained by reducing the mechanical ventilation in the block of flats. It was found that this depended on the reaction of the occupants. If they opened an extra vent light for a few hours per day, then the energy losses due toventilation were higher then before the reduction of the mechanical ventilation.
The ventilation recommendations set out by the British Standards Institute Code of Practice, the Building Research Station Advisory Papers, and CIBS are outlined.
Reviews the ventilation requirements for residential buildings and the recently discovered contaminants of indoor air which will have an influence on the required ventilation rates. Describes methods of measuring air leakage and the rate of air infiltration. Cites work aimed at finding the correlation between air leakage and air infiltration. Outlines the role of heat recovery devices and recommends areas of further research. An appendix reports on a Canadian Mortgage and Housing Association seminar "Controlled ventilation with exhaust air heat recovery for Canadian housing".
Reviews ventilation criteria for occupied buildings. Considers minimum ventilation for the control of carbon dioxide, odours, cigarette smoke, moisture and radon. Discusses future work to improve ventilation routes.
Discusses the mechanisms of natural ventilation. Gives equations for stack effect and ventilation due to wind. Discusses use of natural ventilation in livestock buildings. Shows how minimum and maximum ventilation rates for winter housed cattle can be calculated using physiological data and a model for calculating the critical temperatures. Gives sample calculation of the ventilation rate necessary for beef cattle housed in a 9m. wide building.
Ventilation measurements in new Swedish houses show that they seldom fulfill minimum requirements of 0.5 air changes per. hour applicable to specific housing classifications. Basic natural ventilation is often used. Discusses consequent problems including condensation and humidity, excess radon daughters and formaldehyde content in the room air. Notes future demands for systems to include heat exchangers.
In some buildings in Canada ventilation systems are being operated with the outside air supply dampers completely closed during winter to reduce ventilation and hence conserve energy. Reports measurements of the carbon dioxide concentrations in the classrooms of a small elementary school, when the outside air-supply damper was closed, to assess whether ventilation was adequate. Concentrations were found to be well below the maximum accepted occupational standard of 0.5% and air infiltration gave an adequate fresh air supply.