Reduction in air leakage rates due to weatherization of homes can be determined by fan pressurization and tracer gas techniques, but only the latter gives the results under normal occupancy conditions. Assessment of such rates measured before and after weatherization must consider their dependence on wind speeds and inside-outside temperature differences. In addition, the different air infiltration, exfiltration, and exchange rates between floors of a house must be determined to adequately assess heating loads, zones in need of weatherization, and the within-house transport of pollutants and their effect on indoor air quality. This paper provides the results of using a passive perfluorocarbon tracer technique for determining multizone flow rates in 3 homes during the 1983/84 heating season and presents correlations for relating total air infiltration with weather parameters.
Seasonal effects on multi-zone air infiltration in some typical US homes using a passive perfluorocarbon tracer technique.

Bibliographic info:
Paper for presentation at the Copenhagen '85 World Congress on Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, August 25-30, 1985, Copenhagen, Denmark. Upton, New York, USA: Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1985. BNL 36151. 6p. 3 figs, 1 tab, 9 refs.