The possibility of using natural ventilation for commercial buildings is increasingly being considered. To assist natural ventilation in these buildings atriums are often suggested for the building's design as well as mechanical systems providing low air change rates. To ensure that natural ventilation will meet today's comfort expectations the proposed design needs to be evaluated using dynamic simulation software. This paper is based on a study carried out on a Call Centre using a dynamic thermal simulation program that runs in conjunction with a dynamic airflow simulation program to provide a range of design information. As environmental conditions in naturally ventilated buildings are strongly influenced by the interaction of the temperatures and velocities of the air in the building these conditions must be calculated taking into consideration their dynamic interaction. The programs used take into account these dynamic interactions and provide design information in terms of temperature profiles, dynamic airflow rates between zones, Fanger's comfort analysis etc. Naturally ventilated building design is one approach to reducing the impact that buildings have on the environment. The information provided by simulation software can be used to check if this type of design can be successful.
Natural ventilation analysed using dynamic simulation software.

Bibliographic info:
in: "Dublin 2000: 20 20 Vision", UK, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), 2000, proceedings of a conference held 20-23 September 2000, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, Abstracts in printed form and papers on CD.