The book of proceedings from the 19th AIVC Conference "Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas", Oslo, Norway, 28-30 September 1998.
19th AIVC Conference - Oslo, Norway - 28-30 September 1998
The 19th AIVC Conference, Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas, was held in Oslo, Norway, 28-30 September 1998.
Contains 55 papers
Volume content
19th AIVC Conference "Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas" (Book of Proceedings) | 1998 | English | 564 pp
Concentration of pollutants produced by car traffic in a street below the roof level has large spatial variations.
Pre-assessing the reliability of ventilation systems is a dificult task and no simple methodshave existed. This paper presents a tool for estimating the reliability of domestic ventilationsystems.
Natural ventilation in office buildings can sometimes offer other advantages than traditionalmechanical ventilation systems. Often natural ventilation systems are promoted at an earlystage by an architect, but perceived dificulties, e.g.
The principles of a homogeneous tracer pulse technique for measurement of ventilation and air distribution in buildings. | 1998 | English
The principles of a new tracer gas technique is described in the paper. The new technique involves pulse injection of tracer gas and has the same advantages as the previously known homogeneous emission technique.
The Swedish Parliament decided 1991 that ventilation systems in all non-industrial buildingsshould be regularly inspected in intervals from 2 to 9 years, shortest for schools, hospitals etcand longest for natural ventilated flats.
Natural ventilation in office-type buildings - results and conclusions of monitoring activities. | 1998 | English
Since the beginning of this decade, natural ventilation in office buildings has been receiving specific interest. There are two sorts of application. Natural ventilation can be a strategy for indoor air quality control.
The Ventilation Standard HASS-102 of The Society of Heating, Air-conditioning andSanitary Engineere of Japan (SHASE Japan) was revised in November, 1997. The title of therevised standard is Ventilation Standard for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
Experimental impact valuation of fouling on extract air terminal devices performances: an accelerated artificial fouling approach. | 1998 | English
A humidity controlled air flow terminal device works as a humidity sensor : its openingsurface varies according to relative humidity inside a room in order to match air flow rate topollution.
Ventilation strategies for thermal performance improvement of an attached sunspace. | 1998 | English
In this paper ventilation strategies are examined in order to improve the thermal performanceof an attached sunspace of a two-storey semi-detached house in the area of Athens Greece.The ventilation strategies examined are cross and single-sided ve
Comparison of IAQ performances of French ventilation systems in residential buildings. | 1998 | English
Until now, there is no widely accepted way to express any index for this purpose and takinginto account the large variety of possible pollutants.
This paper gives an overview of the EC NatVent (TM) project on 'Overcoming Technical Barriers to Low Energy Natural Ventilation in Office Type Buildings in Moderate and Cold Climates' which has been carried out under the European Commission Joule
A wind tunnel study into the location of natural ventilation air intakes in urban areas. | 1998 | English
Ventilation of buildings in urban areas may result in high internal concentrations of traffic pollutants if air intakes are positioned where external concentrations are highest.
Improvement of indoor climate and ventilation system in a renovated multistoried residential building. | 1998 | English
The goal of this project was to improve the quality of indoor air in a multistoried residentialbuilding of 81 flats built in 1960. The building is located in a heavily built urban area ofHelsinki.
Natural ventilation by thermal buoyancy with several openings and with temperature stratification. | 1998 | English
Based on the fundamental flow equations, a set of formulas is derived for air velocities, temperature differences and ventilation rates in relation to number of openings, opening areas, net heat input, building geometry, and temperature stratifica
The paper presents further then an integrated model the supporting methodology that allowsto assess natural urban ventilation conditions both outside and inside constructions.Though some particular aspects arid procedures can be complex and time c
Control of night cooling with natural ventilation. (Sensitivity analysis of control strategies and vent openings). | 1998 | English
A dynamic simulation of the ventilation processes and the thermal behaviour of an office building is developed.
Filters for gaseous contaminants: performance measurement and impact on ventilation systems. | 1998 | English
Filters for gaseous contaminants which are used inside HVAC systems are characterised by means of rated air flow rate, air motion resistance, trend of the mass efficiency versus time and holding capacity of the considered gas.
We examine natural ventilation in buildings with multiple storeys, each storey linked to acommon chimney or atrium, and ventilated using 'top-down chimneys' to draw in relativelyunpolluted air from openings located high above street level.
Non attendance rates among children in Swedish day care centres before, during and after cleaning the indoor air using an electrostatic air cleaning technology --a controlled trial. | 1998 | English
To conduct a controlled trial to test the ability of a newly developed electrostatic air cleaningtechnology (EAC) to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as defined by levels of air borne particlesand to investigate the potential to reduce non-attenda