In many existing ventilation systems unintentional reentrainment of pollutant, due to improper location of exhaust and air intake, decreases quality of indoor environment. Unfortunately, the more precise method of assessment of exhaust plume behaviour, the more difficult potential application in regulatory codes and standards. The aim of the paper is to discuss advantages and disadvantages of different types of the models and their applications in regulatory requirements. Discussion addresses two standards: BSR/ASHRAE Standard 62-1989R Public Review Draft (August 1996) and new Polish building code. The conclusions highlight that at the moment there is no good procedure (simple and precise enough) to be commonly used in standards. The necessity for further research is pointed out.
Reentrainment of pollutants from exhausted air - discussion of different types of regulatory requirements.

Bibliographic info:
19th AIVC Conference "Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas", Oslo, Norway, 28-30 September 1998