This design guide is based on the work of IEA-EBC Annex 62 “Ventilative Cooling” and the research findings of the participating countries.
This guide is designed for both architects and engineers to support the design of ventilative cooling systems especially in the early design stages.
The guide provides an introduction to the principles of the ventilative cooling technology as well as methods to express and evaluate its potential and performance. The guide focuses on the design process and how calculation and simulation tools can be used for design, for design evaluation and for risk analysis. It also describes how to control ventilative cooling in the operation phase. By summarizing the outcome of the use of ventilative cooling in a number of case studies, it also illustrates typical designs, performance expectations and lessons learned.
It is the hope, that these guidelines will be helpful for both architects, engineers and professional building owners in their search for innovative and energy-efficient ventilative cooling solutions.