A wind tunnel test of pressure distributions on box-shaped models.

Reports measurements of wind pressure distributions on the surface of a rectangular cylinder model in a wind tunnel. Finds fluctuating character of pressure on roof surface is dependent on the turbulent structure of wind tunnel flow. Experiments were also made on box-shaped models with square section. Finds windpressure distribution on the roof became uniform with increasing height of the model. Gives diagrams of wind pressure coefficients.

Study of wind pressure with vertical distribution on model-scale buildings.

Reports measurements of pressure distribution on square cylindrical models in wind tunnel. Vertical distribution of wind velocity was produced by grids of horizontal rods at varying spacing. Wind pressure distributions on model-scale buildings were obtained, varying the height, width, depth and winddirection. To compare results, a large-scale model 3.6 metreshigh 1.2 metres by 1.2 metres in plan was placed on the shore and pressure distribution measured during a strong wind. Gives diagrams of pressure distributions.

Natural ventilation of modern tightly constructed houses.

Presents results of a survey of natural infiltration rates in 2 identical modern homes-one gas fuelled and one electric-over aperiod of a year. Infiltration rates were determined by releasing tracer gas, usually ethane, into the main return duct and measuring concentration every half hour. Discusses results and dependence of infiltration rates on wind speed and direction. Gives preliminary result that wind probably exerts agreater effect on infiltration than any other variable.

A probe for sensing static pressure in two-dimensional flow.

Describes a probe, developed for sensing static pressure in two-dimensional air flow. It was designed as a sensor for the measurement of static pressure acting on the surface of a building but the design also permits it to be used in free-stream flow. Gives details of the construction of the probe, calibration procedure and the effects of Reynolds number and of the sensitivity of the probe to pitch.

Design and performance of roofs.

Surveys factors influencing roof design with respect to energy conservation. Discusses thermal insulation, condensation, ventilation and insolation.

Indoor/outdoor air quality relationships

Reports measurements of air pollutants inside and outside three pairs of structures for different seasons of the year. Four pollutants were measured, suspended particulate, soiling particulate, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. Describes instrumentation and gives results. Concludes that in homes withgas heating and cooking, the heating system has no effect on CO levels but gas stoves had a significant effect.

Wind pressure on elementary building forms evaluated by model tests.

Describes tests made to find wind pressure on models in a low-velocity wind tunnel. Three basic forms:- a semi-cylinder, a rectangular vertical wall and a block-type gabled building were tested at several different angles to the wind. Gives typical pressure patterns for block-type model. Suggests use of average pressure coefficient for calculation of wind loads determined from pressure distribution. A short series of tests on the effect of shielding building showed that negative pressure on some walls could be increased by an adjacent building.

Measurement and calculation of the ventilation through a vertical sash-window without wind. Messungen und Berechnungen uber Stossluftung durch vertikal Schiebefenster bei Windstille.

Reports measurements of the natural ventilation through a vertical sash-window in calm weather. Describes test window and room. Gives theoretical expression for the ventilation depending on the amount the window is open, inside to outside temperature difference and the difference in height of the openings. Reports two tests of ventilation rate made using smoke. Concludes that a vertical sash window gives very good ventilation even without wind. Finds that tests corraborated the formula which would also apply to a deeper room.

The measurement of air infiltration through metal-framed windows.

Describes test rig used to measure air leakage through a metal framed window. Gives average of results of leakage for different air pressure. Finds leakage rate of 20 cu. ft/h/ft for air velocity of 30 m.p.h. which was generally less than published results.
