Determination of combined air infiltration and ventilation rates in a nine-story office building.

Reports measurements of ventilation rates made in a nine-story office building. Two methods were used; tracer gas decay rate using sulphur hexafluoride and a direct method when air flow rates through roof vents and exhaust units were measured. Gives summary of results and finds good agreement between the two methods.

Measurement of ventilation with radioactive isotopes. Luftungsmessungen mit radioaktiven Isotopen.

Describes a method for the investigation of ventilation rate in mechanically ventilated closed rooms. The room air is labelled with a radioactive isotope and the ventilation rate inferred from the reduction in radioactivity found by repeated sampling at different locations . Notes the results apply only when the room air is well mixed. Defines a parameter, the "ventilation factor" which describes the variation in ventilation rate. Gives examples of the use of this method.

The window-probe - a new instrument for checking the installation of windows. Die Fenstersonde - ein neues Messgerat zur Guteprufung imFensterbau.

Describes a probe, developed to measure air flow which can be used to find the leakage profile of a window. Discusses measurement principle, accuracy of measurement and experimental method. Suggest use of the probe for locating leakage points andgiving quantitative data of the amount of leakage. A possible use is for testing windows that are already installed in buildings

Sealing window joints. Fugendichtung von Fenster.

States reasons for sealing joints:to increase sound insulation, protect from water penetration and to control air infiltration. Identifies three main types of joints, structural joints, joints between casement and wall and between glass and frame. Discusses for each type methods of caulking.

Air-tight wooden houses. Tata trahus.

