This paper provides an example of a local energy code that acieves a significant energy efficiency improvement in buildings compared to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999 and describes the methodology for estimating the relative energy savings.First, the paper provides a list of key measures in the 2001 Seattle Energy Code that achieve greater energy savings than standard 90.1-1999 . Then, using the exact same methodology employed by the US Department of Energy to evaluate Standard 90.1-1999 under EPAct, the input files have been modified and additional parametric runs done to model the requirements in the Seattle Energy Code. The paper present energy savings by building type for the 2001 Seattle Energy Code. The paper expands beyond the federal governement analysis to include all of the energy consumption associated with the building project, both interior and exterior.
2001 Seatlle energy code : striving for 20 % total building energy savings compared to standard 90.1-1999
Bibliographic info:
Ashrae 2005 Winter meeting, technical and symposium papers, Orlando, February 2005