The climate in southern Brazil is characterised by mild winters and hot-humid summerswhich requires the design to be adaptable to the often conflicting summer and winterrequirements. In the residential sector, air conditioning consumption is still low, but it hasbeen growing significantly along with an increase in peoples purchasing power whichemphasizes the importance of encouraging a change in construction practices [1]. The aim ofthe research is to design a residence that combines traditional and contemporary techniquesand technologies, along with a smart design, providing acceptable summer and winter thermalcomfort. This was pursued by considering the advantages found in some precedents, such as,passive heating and cooling strategies that respond to the climate; and by controlling therelationships between buildings and outdoor spaces to ensure a response to the differentseasons. Environmental design approach is found to go far beyond the quantification ofenergy consumption through the use of different materials or strategies.
An adaptable urban house designed for the southern Brazilian climate – emphasis on summer and winter thermal comfort

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)