A series of thermal comfort field data (about 1800 observations), collected in Bari (Southern Italy), were implemented according to the ASHRAE RP-884 world database format, thus constituting a local database for the Mediterranean area, which, with exception of Greece, is not represented in this world database. The collected data, mostly already published, were reexamined in the light of the latest international literature on the subject.
Within the adaptive modelling of thermal comfort, to which this survey can be related, the behavioural factors of individual type, like clothing thermal insulation and level of activity do not appear explicitly, although their basic role played in the interaction man environment is recognized. Therefore these factors were analysed.
Furthermore, an analysis was conducted on thermal sensation, thermal preference and dissatisfaction indices and an adaptive control algorithm was developed.
In the conclusion it is argued that research in this field, however, is moving beyond the narrow limits of thermal, even though adaptive, comfort zones, to which previous studies have so far led us.
The adaptive approach to thermal comfort: from models to solutions

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 30-35, 3 Fig., 3 Tab., 6 Ref.