SUBURET stands for Sustainable Building Retrofit. The basic idea behind the sustainability concept is that normal renovation work fails to meet future needs and, far from exploiting the available potential, prevents any real modernization of the building stock. The name SUBURET designates both the workshop itself and all the R&D initiatives proposed.
The SUBURET programme aims to promote advanced retrofit concepts and technologies specifically focused on housing and office buildings and based on the following principles:
- Sustainable development can only be achieved if the energy demand and environmental impact of
the existing building stock is reduced by a factor of 5 to 10.
- Every building renovation without adequate energy-saving retrofit measures is a waste of money and a lost opportunity.
- The measures investigated for advanced future-oriented building retrofit should be amenable to step-by-step or wholesale implementation.
SUBURET focuses on a set of properly evaluated, internationally available advanced retrofit technologies. It is based on the extensive experience with passive houses in Europe and aims to extend the scope of this technology to building renovation.
Advanced concepts for sustainable building retrofit SUBURET - IEA Future Buildings forum -

Bibliographic info:
IEA Future Buildings forum, Workshop report St Moritz (CH) January 15-17, 2003, pp 135