In an effort to optimize the energy performance of existing single-family housing, the Advanced Retrofit pilot program was sponsored by Massachusetts Electric and administered by Conservation Services Group. The intent of the program was to advance the direction of energy conservation by achieving the highest energy savings possible, by combining field experience with innovative technologies in electrically heated homes. Cost-effectiveness was not a constraint in this pilot program. A random sample of electrically heated homes which had previously been treated through MECO's Residential Space Heat program received treatment. The treatment included advanced analysis and modeling of air flows and energy consumption, maximum air sealing of the building shell, and installation of a wide range of energy efficient measures, such as replacement windows and doors, insulation, efficient lamps and light fixtures, electronic thermostats, and ventilating heat pump water heaters. Billing analysis comparing pre-and post-treatment energy consumption was used to evaluate the savings. Preliminary results indicate that reductions in energy consumption of 25% can be achieved. The lessons learned from this pilot may point the way to greater potential cost-effective savings in conventional residential energy efficiency programs.
Advanced retrofit: a pilot study in maximum residential energy efficiency.
Bibliographic info:
USA, Washington DC, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), Proceedings of the 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, "Profiting from Energy Efficiency"