In the frame of the IEA Future Buildings Forum, a workshop was held January 15 -17 2003 in St. Moritz, Switzerland. The goal of the proposed workshop was to discuss and to decide upon an international collaboration to promote a program for advanced retrofit of existing buildings and community systems.
The proposed topics dealing with energy conservation and renewable energy use in retrofit buildings were:
Advanced insulation technologies, prefabricated insulated roof systems, roof and facade integrated solar systems, advanced ventilation systems, seasonal storage systems, small scale heat pump technologies, integrated energy systems for low energy buildings, criteria for sustainable building retrofit, advanced measuring technologies, risk management in building retrofit, standards and energy performance directives for existing buildings.
This article gives a short summary on the topic of ventilation.
Advanced ventilation and integrated energy systems for low energy retrofit buildings. A summary from the Sustainable Building Retrofit (SUBURET) Workshop

Bibliographic info:
8th IBPSA International conference and exhibition on building simulation - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven - August 11-14 - 2003 - pp 5 - 4 Fig. - 1 Ref.