The air change rate in existing, older blocks of flats having natural ventilation has been measured by the tracer gas method. Measurements were made in the buildings in as-found condition. The average air infiltration rate was 0.26 air changes/h (with the ventilation ducs closed), with an overall ventilation rate of 0.47 air changes/h. The average overall ventilation rate is very close to that recommended on the basis of health requirements, although values both above and below this are encountered in many flats. A comparison has been made between measured air change rates and calculated air change rates using the JK-CIRCUS computer program. The results show that airtightness of wall and windows in older flats is equivalent to an average n50-value of 1.5 air changes/h. n,, is the air change rate at a differential pressure of 50 Pa between interior and exterior. The building regulations specify an n50 air change rate of less than 1.0 air changes/h in new blocks of flats. Calculations using the JK-CIRCUS program show that, for a flat having a natural ventilation system, improving the airtightness of the windows will result in a maximum reduction in air change rate of 0.1 air changes/h for an external wind speed range of 2-8 m/s.
Air change in flats with natural ventilation: measurements and calculations.
Bibliographic info:
10th AIVC Conference "Progress and trends in air infiltration and ventilation research" Espoo, Finland, 25-28 September 1989