Kurnitski, J.; Aalto, M.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

Air distribution solutions for classrooms aiming to lower air velocities and good temperature control are studied by measurements in 6 schools and temperature simulations. Air velocity measurements showed good performance of duct and ceiling diffusers which provided maximum velocities less than 0.2 m/s and can be highly recommended for classrooms. The wall diffusers were clearly not suitable for classrooms due to high velocities up to 0.43 m/s. Displacement ventilation diffusers were very sensitive to supply air temperature, as with the temperature difference of 3 C velocities up to 0.28 m/s were measured. Room temperature measurement results showed a typical problem with temperature control as at the end of the heating season the temperatures up to 25 C were measured. The parametric simulations showed that high supply air flow rates up to 10 L/s per person and cool supply air down to 1415 C were needed for room temperature control.