Klima ADE is a program for fast selection and calculation of air diffusion devices, which isbased on:- Design criteria for the thermal environment are based on EN ISO 7730 (optimaloperative temperature and maximum mean air velocity in occupied zone). The humanresponse to the thermal environment is expressed by the predicted mean vote (PMV)and predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) indices.- Perceived air quality according to CEN CR 1752.- Air flow rate required from a health point of view (carbon dioxide) according to CENCR 1752.- Air flow rate required for thermal design.- Acoustic environment according to CEN CR 1752 (permissible A-weighted soundpressure level in occupied zone).- Space and occupied zone definition.- Air distribution design-optimized selection of air devices (grilles, spiro duct grilles,diffusers, variable diffusers and slot diffusers).- Advanced calculations and modelling are used to obtain graphical presentation of theresults. Air flow patterns are calculated on the basis of extensive measurements in ourlaboratory.
Air distribution design based on EN ISO 7730 with the help of a computer program

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 556-561, 2 Fig.