Experiments and calculations were operated to determine air flow distribution in a test room (9.9 m2) naturally ventilated through adjustable louvers overlooking outside. Air enters at the bottom (opening surgace 0.07 m2) and is exhausted at the top of the room (opening surface 0.12 m2). Air pressure and velocities across the opening allow to estimate wind pressure coefficients. Results show in particular the influence of wind on the internal air flow. Good agreement was found between measurements and calculations.
Air flow distribution for different wind pressure coefficient values in a naturally ventilated room

Bibliographic info:
Preprint ASHRAE Transactions vol.108 no.2 2002 (USA) - paper presented at the ASHRAE Annual Meeting, Honolulu, June 2002 - 8 pp, 9 figs, 6 refs, 5 tabs