Documents and compares the air infiltration levels experienced in five Twin Rivers townhouses before and after retrofit. The retrofits sealed and caulked window frames, sealed cracks along the attic floor/party wall Junction and reduced leakage from basement to attic. Weather data and air infiltration rates were analysed using multiple regression, polar plotting, stemleaf plotting and comparisons of infiltration rates with inside to outside temperature differences. Gives results in graphs and tables. Results indicate that retrofitted townhouse are noticeably less sensitive to wind direction. After retrofit infiltration rates average 36% less than before. Finds that basement and attic retrofitting appear to be very influential in achieving the greatest reduction in air infiltration rates.
Air infiltration reduction through retrofitting.
Bibliographic info:
In "Building Air Change Rate and Infiltration Measurements" Proceedings ASTM Conference, Gaithersburg 13 March 1978 C.M.Hunt J.C.King H.R.Trechsel eds. ASTM 1980 p.50-59 8 figs. 4 tabs, 15refs. #DATE 01:03:1978 in English