The seventh issue of the AIVC newsletter was out in March 2015. Its contents include:
- Foreword
- 35th AIVC Conference 2014: Summaries of the ventilative cooling and airtightness tracks
- Outcome of topical session "Demand Controlled Ventilation" at the 35th AIVC Conference
- 35th AIVC Conference, 2014: Best paper, best poster awards
- 23-24 September, 2015: 36th AIVC Conference, Madrid, Spain
- 16-17 March 2015, Workshop, Lund –Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance of ventilation and airtightness
- 18-20 May, 2015, Conference Eindhoven- Healthy Buildings 2015 Europe
- Feedback on 1st QUALICHeCK confference
- 8-9 May 2015, Kassel, Germany- 9th international BUILDAIR Symposium
- List of AIVC board members