While it is generally accepted that ventilation-whether natural, mechanical or hybrid- is needed to provide acceptable indoor air quality and prevent building damage, there are debates about the actual performance of these systems and how deviations observed affect the overall building performance.
Project Outcomes
- Topical sessions at 33rd AIVC and 2nd TightVent Conference "Optimising Ventilative Cooling and Airtightness for [Nearly] Zero-Energy Buildings, IAQ and Comfort". 10-11 October 2012, Copenhagen:
- Quality approaches for residential ventilation systems
- Topical sessions at 34th AIVC - 3rd TightVent - 1st venticool Conference "Energy conservation technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the built environment: the role of ventilation strategies and smart materials". 25-26 September 2013, Athens:
- Quality of domestic ventilation systems
- Securing the quality of ventilation systems in residential buildings: status and perspectives. 18-19 March 2013,Brussels