Korean government established a target to reduce greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions to 30% by 2020 to cope with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and secure its national competitiveness, and prepared a roadmap to develop this project. Especially, the government set up the objective of Zero Energy Consumption for the newly constructed multi-family housings by 2025 to reduce CO2 in the building sector.
This Study is aimed at the analysis of CO2 emissions reduction effect when introducing the component technology for implementing zero-energy multi-family housing building by reflecting this trend at home and abroad. In order to do this, CE3 - Building Energy Performance Evaluation Program was adopted.
Analysis on CO2 Emissions Reduction Effect of Zero Energy Multi-famiy Housing to cope with UNFCCC

Bibliographic info:
31st AIVC Conference " Low Energy and Sustainable Ventilation Technologies for Green Buildings", Seoul, Korea, 26-28 October 2010