The air barrier technique is to apply the special airflow through window fan to improve the thermal environment near the windows in winter and summer, and especially in winter, to simplify the air conditioning system of perimeter zone of office building and avoid condensation on the surface of window. By using numerical simulation, the paper analyzed the thermal environment of the office building, both applied the air barrier technique or not. The paper also compared the two different methods in winter and summer respectably. According to the results, we may obtain the key control strategy of this technology. It can be validated that the air barrier technique, instead of heating-supply in the perimeter zone of office building, can simplify the machine plant and the duct system of air conditioning. It can also be concluded that, by using the air barrier system, condensation symptom in winter can be avoided and the thermal environment near the windows is improved.
Analysis of thermal environment near windows using air barrier technique

Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China