A field study on thermal comfort has been carried out in the capital city of Jakarta, Indonesia. There were 596 office workers working in seven multi-storey office buildings participated in this study. Predicted neutral temperatures were read from thermal comfort meter type 1212, while the subjects' thermal sensations (the actual votes) were collected by means of questionnaire. In view of thermal comfort knowledge there are still some arguments about the applicability of the thermal comfort standard ISO-7730, based on Fanger's comfort model, and the adaptive model of Humphreys, Nicol and Auliciems to be used in practice. Results of this study shows there were only slight differences between the actual neutral temperatures (based on subjects' thermal vote) and both the predicted neutral temperatures measured by comfort meter (based on ISO-7730) and those calculated by Humphreys-Auliciems equations. The differences were statistically insignificant.
The applicability of the ISO 7730 (Fanger's comfort model) and the adaptive model of thermal comfort in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bibliographic info:
Belgium, Proceedings of Clima 2000 Conference, held Brussels, August 30th to September 2nd 1997