Cooking can be a major source of exposure to particulate matter. Range hoods can be used to reduce odours, moisture and contaminants resulting from cooking. The capture efficiency with regard to these contaminants is determined by the thermal plume and the aerodynamic properties of the range hood. There is a new ASTM (an international standards organization) test method: ASTM E3087. It measures capture efficiency under specific conditions that permits standardized comparison of range hoods under controlled laboratory conditions. The results of the ASTM test method depend on exhaust flow rate, range hood geometry, thermal properties of the sources, and the number of burners in use. This study investigates and quantifies different aspects not included in the ASTM test method but have impact on the exposure of the occupant. An example of an exposure approach is given in this paper whereby the residence time averaged PM2,5 exposure for person in a typical Dutch dwelling has been calculated using a 2-zone model. The model was used to identify the additional key factors beyond capture efficiency that influence occupant exposure. We propose a methodology to calculate exposure based on these factors that could be the basis of a future European standard.
Assessment of Range Hoods based on Exposure

Languages: English | Pages: 9 pp
Bibliographic info:
39th AIVC Conference "Smart Ventilation for Buildings", Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, 18-19 September 2018