Panaskova, J.; Bitter, F.; Müller, D.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

This paper shows first results of an ongoing research project, which aims to develop a transfermodel to link the odor intensity with the perceived air quality assessments. This model isbased on basis odors, which were in this research project selected according to the primaryodors defined by Amoore. Each basis odor measurement of the perceived intensity and airquality establish a transfer function between the intensity and the acceptability values. Thebasis odor samples are generated by using the saturation method and a dilution process withclean air. The experiments include the examination of single basis odors as well as mixturesof basis odors. Additionally, the influence of the relative humidity of the air on the perceivedintensity and acceptability is part of the investigations. First results of the experiments showdifferent correlations between perceived intensity and acceptability for all basis odors.