M.S.S. Bracarense, R.P. Papa, P.R.S. Jota
Bibliographic info:
Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment, May 2005, Santorini Greece

This paper shows the building of the Intelligent Energy Research Center - CPEI, built at the Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG). This center was conceived with many strategies of bioclimatic architecture in a way to minimize the energy consumption besides improving the thermal gain and luminous comfort. To achieve this purpose many procedures were taken since the beginning of the design stage. The architecture solution is very important to improve the thermal and luminous performance. The orientation of the surfaces, the chosen materials, the colors of the surfaces and the architectural elements were fundamental. The existence of a zenithal dome in the center of the building besides many glass windows and doors made a luminous environment. The purpose of the building is to use bioclimatic techniques that could save energy and give comfort for the users besides given support for the researches in the rational use of energy.