Lars Due
Bibliographic info:
7th International BUILDAIR Symposium on Building and Ductwork Airtightness, 11-12 May 2012, Stuttgart, Germany

As operator of the Blower Door-test we often come in for a dilemma when government regulations shall be documented. According the standard the test shall be performed on the finished building, but the contractor would like to know if the buildings envelop is airtight as early as possi-ble. A traditional Blower Door-test it often possible for the first time when the building stands nearly completely finished.  The problem becomes even more distinctly when we speak about large buildings, where it always becomes finished in sections. For example the ground floor can be nearly finish and at the same time the roof is complete-ly open to the outside.  By using the test method developed by to decide the win-dows air tightness you make the Blower Door-test very early in the con-struction period and document parts of the envelops air tightness.