Uses wind tunnel model studies of houses to determine how best to reduce the surface pressure variations from wind and the associated air infiltration emphasizing the correct placement of suitably modelled coniferous trees. Finds that tree crowns convert the directed kinetic energy of approaching wind into random turbulent energy, which reduces pressure gradients on the windward walls, a prime region for air infiltration. The most cost and energy effective windbreaks are those that selectively protect against prevailing winter winds,use as few trees as possible, and are placed at least 2 tree heights upstream. Using an optimum planting pattern, an estimated 10% savings in energy for heating can be achieved.
Building energy reductions - windbreak optimization.

Bibliographic info:
ASCE International Convention and Exposition May 9-15 1981 NY = Journal of the Energy Division vol.108 no.EY3 November 1982 p.143-154 11 figs. 1 tab. 14 refs. #DATE 09:05:1981 in English