Bucakova, M.; Senitkova, I.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

The impact of common building materials interaction on perceived air quality related to airchange level was studied. The methods of chemical analysis (TVOC) and subjective sensoryassessment was used. The measurements were conducted in test chamber under standardizedconditions (231C, 505%) and different ventilation rates. The positive impact of sorptionphenomenon on perceived air quality and user's wellbeing was found for most of the testedcombinations. The more significant sorption effect was found for materials with largerspecific surface. The results have shown that sorptive material such as gypsum board canaffect the ventilation rate needed to achieve the satisfactory perceived air quality andwellbeing.