A new approach for computer-aided thermal analysis of buildings is presented. It is based on an electronic book "Building Thermal Analysis" which operates in a mathematical programmingenvironment (Mathcad). It consists of a set of independent files covering various topics ofbuilding thermal analysis linked together with a hypertext system. Each file integrates "live"equations (the "program "), explanatory text and figures, as well as graphs linked dynamically toequations and data. Both equations and data can be readily changed and the results are instantlyupdated within the same document, thus providing unique educational and rescarch capabilities. Themain advantage over the use of "black box" building thermal analysis software is that the userconsolidates in a single document the input data, the output data, and the model, thus having thecapability to easily understand and change the model as well as the data.
Building simulation in a mathematical programming environment
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Madison, USA, 1995, p. 71-76