Describes a simple method to calculate the leakage area of a house regardless of design or weather conditions. The leakage area is used in the LBL infiltration model to calculate infiltration for any weather condition. This method, which uses fan pressurization to measure leakage area has been used in a survey of over 300 houses located through out North America. Presents the results of that survey and suggests that the present capability in air infiltration modelling offers an excellent framework for an air leakage standard for residential buildings. Examples of the interpretation of such a standard are described, based on the ventilation rates adopted in ASHRAE Standard 62-1981. The results of the interpretations illustrate differences in structural requirements that will occur when such a standard is applied toseveral ventilation system designs.
Calculating infiltration - implications for a construction quality standard.
Bibliographic info:
Proc. ASHRAE/DOE Conference "Thermal performance of the exterior envelope of the building II" Dec 6-9 1982 USA p.422-450 9 tabs. 5 figs. 30 refs. #DATE 06:12:1982 in English